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Piedmont     Truffles and Wine

Friday - D-O

15.00 hrs: Arrival to Castello di Cortanze, a little village on the top of a wild hill around the town Asti and accommodation of  the guests.
16.00 hrs: Short introduction to the Piedmont tradition and to “the truffle world” by Tour Gourmet General Management.
18.30 hrs: Wine-cocktails class and tasting
20.30 hrs: “Welcome Monferrato dinner with truffles in a traditional country-inn around Asti.

Saturday - B-L-D-O

08.30 hrs: Breakfast
09.30 hrs: Transfer to Asti to The Truffles Shop to meet the most important “tartufaio” of the area to discover his secrets and stories.
11.00 hrs: Little Piedmont Cooking school including a practical test to learn how to prepare a typical menu with truffle and Lunch-tasting with the learned menu.
15.30 hrs: Truffle hunt and meeting with “the tartufaio and his dog”.
18.30 hrs: Return to the hotel.
20.30 hrs: Comparison dinner” at the Restaurant L’Oscar, with a “composed menu”: the main typical Asti dishes
will be prepared according to the popular and aristocratic tradition.

Sunday - B-L-D-O

08.00 hrs: Breakfast.
09.30 hrs: Transfer to the Truffle Exhibition in Montiglio d’ Asti.
13.00 hrs: Lunch in country-inn or with the local peasant organisation.
16.00 hrs: Transfer to Cocconato to enter in the world of Piedmont wines and of the “Compagnia del cioccolato”;
visit of the cellar and tastings in the Enoteca Bava and little walk into the medieval village.
18.30 hrs: Return to the Castello di Cortanze for free time .
20.00 hrs: Goodbye dinner with the chef of the Castle and delivery of diplomas to all participants.

Monday - B-L

08.00 hrs: Breakfast.
09.30 hrs: Transfer to Asti, visit of the Arazzerie Scassa Museum and Laboratory, the only one Italian artisan producer of artistic tapestry; later in the laboratory of Torronificio Barbero, to discover the typical nougat and torrone production.
13.00 hrs: Traveller Lunch (Light Lunch) with salumi and cheese in Vineria and “Bicchiere della staffa” (last drink).
16.00 hrs: End of the trip and transfer to airport.



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See Reference: Italian State Tourism Dept. INTRAV